The app provides with a set of options to navigate through the Mandelbrot set in iPad. Starting from the initial range, you can zoom into a selected range and choose the color scheme and the maximum iterations. If you like the finding, you can save it for the furtuer navigation and/or share it.
How to Use
- The app is designed to use in iPad with the landscape orientation.
- After opening the app, choose an item under on the left pane.
- The Mandelbrot set within the saved region will show up with the information about the region and the maximum iteration.
- The bar items will be enabled.
- Click Explore to open a scene to navigate down the chosen region.
- The Mandelbrot set within the saved region is presented in the bottom-right image.
- The bottom-right image also has a white box, which can be dragged and pinched.
- While being dragged or pinched, the color of the box becomes yellow.
- When released, the color of the box becomes white and the top-left image will be updated.
- Try different color scheme and maximum iteration and click Refresh to update the top-left image.
- If you like the result, you may save it. Or you can go back to the original state by clicking Reset.
- Cannot explore further will appear if the range is too small to navigate. This is because the single precision is used to represent numbers in a GPU.
- The app is written and tested on
Xcode 12.2
andSwift 5.3.1
How to build
- Download or clone the repository:
git clone
- Build the project within Xcode
Based on the experince with jaeseung16/CppND-Capstone-MandelbrotExplorer, I wanted to see how the implementation could be different between Swift/MetalKit and C++/OpenCV.
Web sites/pages I encountered while working on the project: